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I am Jeanize and you have stumbled onto my blog! I have posts covering everyone from weddings, potraits, tips and tricks of photography and my personal life with Brent and my poodles. So grab a cup of coffee and check out some pretty photos. I hope you enjoy and leave me a comment!


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hey there

I am Jeanize and you have stumbled onto my blog! I have posts covering everyone from weddings, potraits, tips and tricks of photography and my personal life with Brent and my poodles. So grab a cup of coffee and check out some pretty photos. I hope you enjoy and leave me a comment!


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I so loved this mommy and me setup, and was so sad that the COVID19 kept people from signing up. I totally understand, but still sad. I wanted to create a gallery of all of the moms that came out with their kiddos. You guys were all SO cute. It’s hard to decide on favorites, […]

I seriously love the 2020 Mommy and Me setup sooo much. Since so many people weren’t able to sign up due to the pandemic, I may do it again next year. They are just so cute. Check out Kelsey and Elly’s mommy and me session. They were tots adorbs. If you are signing up for […]

I think this mommy and me setup is my favorite one yet. I have been envisioning doing this type of look in the studio for more than a year now and I think I finally did it. I will probably do more variations of this in the future. But I love how the greens, pinks […]

Oh my goodness. I absolutely loved the Christmas 2019’s minis. I was particularly excited about these because these were my first minis in my new studio! I had 28 families come through in two days!! Probably the most I have ever done in a weekend! One thing I loved about doing them in the studio, […]

For my 2019 Fall Mini setup, I borrowed my brother-in-law’s vintage truck to use as a prop! I also set it up in the back of our year, where I had told Brent to keep a patch of grass tall. I saved that grass guys, Brent would have moved that stuff over a long time […]

There are plenty of reasons why I love mini sessions. But if you are ever on the fence to why you should book one, or if it worth it, I created a quick list of my top 5 reasons. For those of you who have booked mini sessions, comment and let me know your top […]

wedding and portrait photography