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I am Jeanize and you have stumbled onto my blog! I have posts covering everyone from weddings, potraits, tips and tricks of photography and my personal life with Brent and my poodles. So grab a cup of coffee and check out some pretty photos. I hope you enjoy and leave me a comment!


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hey there

I am Jeanize and you have stumbled onto my blog! I have posts covering everyone from weddings, potraits, tips and tricks of photography and my personal life with Brent and my poodles. So grab a cup of coffee and check out some pretty photos. I hope you enjoy and leave me a comment!


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Amelia and Hayden’s wedding at the zoo really was just perfect. They had a perfect evening, we had some sun, which if you have been in Kansas the last month, you know a sunny day has been hard to find. Because they had their official wedding back in the fall of 2020, this really was […]

One of my favorite parts of Matt and Makenna’s Wichita wedding photography was getting to know not only them, but their adorable son, Lincoln, as well. It’s one of the things I love about the wedding photography experience, is that I get to know couples and the people they love most so well over the […]

Paula and Joe’s super intimate wedding was probably the most chill and relaxed wedding day I have ever captured. First, it was just the two of them. Second, I was able to capture them with alll of the animals at Tanganyika Wildlife Park. It was seriously the best day, for them and for me. They […]

August weddings are normally very hot for me and I was expecting the same for this Round Barn wedding. But it ended up being like a late September day, which is just perfect. It had rained lightly in the morning and was just cloudy enough to keep the sun out of eyes, but not enough […]

wedding and portrait photography