hey there

I am Jeanize and you have stumbled onto my blog! I have posts covering everyone from weddings, potraits, tips and tricks of photography and my personal life with Brent and my poodles. So grab a cup of coffee and check out some pretty photos. I hope you enjoy and leave me a comment!


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hey there

I am Jeanize and you have stumbled onto my blog! I have posts covering everyone from weddings, potraits, tips and tricks of photography and my personal life with Brent and my poodles. So grab a cup of coffee and check out some pretty photos. I hope you enjoy and leave me a comment!


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Sometimes when I tell friends I have a personal branding session coming up, they look at me in confusion. What is a personal branding session? It’s a fairly new concept that takes normal professional business headshots to the next level. So many people use online platforms to represent themselves, they become their own brand and […]

wedding and portrait photography